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Most archaeological work is done through field surveys, excavation of sites, laboratory analysis of artifacts and samples, research and interpretation of findings, and publication of results. These activities help archaeologists understand past cultures and lifestyles by examining material remains and contexts.

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Who works on a archaeological excavation?

Archaeologists, palaeontologists and astronomers work on archaeological excavations.

Do you know a gospel song with the lyrics of when I'm through working down here my work will be done I'm goina sit down beside king jesus your work will be done?

verse 1 When I get through working down here, you know ( my work will be done) Oh, when I get through working down here, you know (my work will be done) When I get through working down here, you know ( my work will be done) I'm gonna (sit down beside king Jesus), my work (my work will be done) verse 2 When I get through singing down here, you know (my work will be done) Oh, when I get through working down here, you know (my work will be done) When I get through working down here, you know (my work will be done) I'm gonna (sit down beside King Jesus), my work (my work will be done) verse 3 When I get through shouting down here, you know (my work will be done) Oh, when I get through shouting down here, you know (my work will be done) When I get through shouting down here, you know ( my work will be done) I'm gonna (sit down beside king Jesus), my work (my work will be done) verse 4 When I get through praying down here, you know ( my work will be done) Oh, when I get through praying down here, you know (my work will be done) when I get through praying down here, you know ( my work will be done) I'm gonna (sit down beside king Jesus), my work (my work will be done) vamp 1 Oh, sit down (sit down) sit down (sit down) sit down (sit down) sit down When I get through singing (sit down, sit down). When I get through shouting (sit down, sit down). When I get through praying (sit down, sit down). When I get through working (sit down, sit down). vamp 2 When I get through working down here, you know (my work will be done) Oh, when I get through working down here, you know (my work will be done) When I get through working down here, my know (my work will be done). I'm gonna (sit down beside King Jesus) I'm gonna (sit down beside King Jesus). My work, ( my work will be done).

What is done when a force moves and object through a distance?

Work is done.

Does force not reduce the amount of work that has to be done?

In the most precise sense, 'work' is defined as force acting through a distance. So ... straining to agree with something in the question ... if a force has already come along and moved through part of the distance, doing some of the required work in the process, then yes, the work already done by the force has reduced the amount of work remaining to be done. But that's a real stretch.

In what smaller groups is most legislative work done?

Most of the work of the legislature is done in groups called committees.

Why is most of the work of congress done through the committees?

It enables members to develop specialized knowledge of the matters under their jurisdiction

The removal of soil at an archaeological site?

The removal of soil at an archaeological site is typically done through careful excavation techniques using tools like trowels and brushes. Archaeologists work in layers, documenting and preserving any artifacts or features they uncover. The soil removed is sifted to recover any small objects or pieces of evidence, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the site's history.

Most of the work that is done in Congress today?

Most of the work that is done by the legislative branch is done in committees.

What do you call people who work in a archiogical dig?

People who work in archaeological digs are called archaeologists. They study human history through the excavation and analysis of artifacts and structures.

Is work done if you push a car that has run out of gas?

Yes. The work is being done by whoever is pushing rather then the engine, but work is being done. Any time a force is applied through a distance, work is being done.

Is work done when a force moves through a distance?

Work is done when a force causes an object to move through a distance. The amount of work done is calculated by multiplying the force applied by the distance the object moves in the direction of the force. If the force and the displacement are perpendicular to each other, work done is zero.

Who said Congress in its committee rooms is Congress at work?

President Woodrow Wilson is the person who said that when Congress in its committee rooms is Congress at work. It means that most of the work Congress does is done through committees.