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Very helpful. Knowing what happened in the past helps us in the present. It is amazing what is learned from looking at items from the past. If you have never been to a museum or historical site go. Much of what we do today is based on what has gone on in the past and what we will do tomorrow is will be started today. All things, people, and events are connected through out history. If man hadn't invented the wheel there wouldn't be a car. If gears and clogs hadn't been invented most of the modern world wouldn't run. If the radio hadn't been invented your cell phone wouldn't work.

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Uncovering objects from the past can provide valuable insights into history, culture, and society. Studying these artifacts can help us understand how past civilizations lived, interacted, and evolved, contributing to our knowledge and appreciation of human history. It encourages us to learn from the past and apply those lessons to our present and future.

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Q: How useful do you think it is for humans to uncover objects from the past?
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Continue Learning about Archaeology

Why are artifacts and bones important to archaeologists?

Artifacts and bones provide valuable insights into past cultures, societies, and human behavior. They help archaeologists reconstruct the way people lived, their technologies, beliefs, and diets. By studying these objects, archaeologists are able to piece together the puzzle of our ancestors' lives and evolution.

How do you think david livingstone would want to be rememberered?

David Livingstone would likely want to be remembered as a dedicated explorer and missionary who sought to bring Christianity and civilization to the African continent while also advocating against the slave trade. He would want to be remembered for his efforts to uncover the mysteries of Africa and establish peaceful relationships with its inhabitants.

What year did the cave men come into the world?

Cave men, or early modern humans, first appeared around 300,000 years ago. They were part of the Homo sapiens species and evolved from earlier hominid ancestors. These early modern humans were adept at creating tools, art, and eventually began to migrate out of Africa to other parts of the world.

How did Paleolithic stone age people transport?

Paleolithic stone age people likely transported objects by carrying them manually or using basic tools like slings, ropes, or simple sledges. They may have used animal power, such as dragging objects with the assistance of domesticated dogs or using livestock to carry loads. The specifics of how they transported items would have depended on the size, weight, and distance they needed to cover.

Who was the first person to build a house?

The exact first person to build a house is unknown, as shelter construction dates back thousands of years. However, evidence shows that ancient humans began creating basic structures for shelter, such as simple wooden huts or caves, as early as the Paleolithic era.

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it can be turned into a beverage (milk), and whipped into cream for butter, and cheese (i think). Its useful cause its a food/drink source and not only somewhat tasty but also healthy with calcium and other important vitamins/nutrients.

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What is the important of enterprenuership?

it is useful i think

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i think its both harmful and useful

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is push