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It's technically possible but rare for phenocrysts to be found in an obsidian. This would require the magma rising to the surface and cooling quickly.

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2mo ago

No, phenocrysts are typically minerals that form in slowly cooling magma and are therefore not found in obsidian, which is a type of igneous rock that cools quickly, resulting in a glassy texture without crystal growth.

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Q: Could phenocrysts be found in an obsidian?
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How did the early humans use obsidian?

Early humans used obsidian for making tools and weapons due to its sharp edges and ease of shaping. It was utilized for spears, arrowheads, knives, and other cutting instruments because of its ability to hold a sharp edge. Evidence of obsidian tools has been found at archaeological sites worldwide.

How did the neolithic age find obsidian?

During the Neolithic Age, people found obsidian through natural volcanic processes that created deposits near the Earth's surface. They would locate these obsidian sources by searching for areas with small pieces of the volcanic glass on the ground or by following signs of past volcanic activity like lava flows or volcanic craters. Once located, they would collect obsidian for making tools and weapons due to its sharp edges and hardness.

How is obsedian formed?

Obsidian is formed when lava cools quickly on the Earth's surface, usually within a few days. The rapid cooling prevents the growth of crystals, resulting in a smooth and glassy texture. Obsidian is typically found near volcanic areas where lava flow has occurred.

What did the Aztecs use obsidian for?

The Aztecs used obsidian, a volcanic glass, for making sharp tools and weapons such as knives, arrowheads, and spear points. Obsidian was highly valued for its sharp cutting edge and effectiveness in combat. It was also used for decorative purposes in their artistic and ceremonial objects.

Does obsidian have layers of banding?

Obsidian is a type of volcanic glass formed from quickly cooled lava, so it does not have layers of banding like sedimentary rocks. Instead, obsidian typically has a smooth, uniform texture with occasional swirls or flow lines caused by the rapid cooling process.

Related questions

Are phenocrysts likely to be found in obsidian?

No they are not.

Is obsidian rock found in mountains?

Yes, obsidian is found near volcanic mountains.

Is obsidian found in PA?

Yes, obsidian is not naturally found in Pennsylvania. Obsidian is typically formed from volcanic activity, and Pennsylvania does not have any active volcanoes within its geographical region.

A matrix of fine crystals surrounding phenocrysts?

The matrix consists of small crystals formed from the same magma as the larger phenocrysts, but cooled more quickly. The phenocrysts are larger crystals that grew more slowly within the magma before the rock solidified. This type of texture is commonly found in volcanic rocks like rhyolite and andesite.

How do you you mine obsidian and how do you make a nether portal in minecraft?

Obsidian is found in really deep creeper caves with magma and water. Magma + Water = Obsidian You need a 3x5 rectangle of obsidian and light it with flint and stone.

Where do you find obsidian in minecraft?

Obsidian is usually found in caves underground where flowing water hits still lava.

Can a obsidian rock be found in Louisiana?

No, obsidian is also called 'volcanic glass,' since it is a product of cooled lava. Since there are no volcanoes in Louisiana there will not be any natural obsidian.

Where is the obsidian blade on ghostscape 2?

In Ghostscape 2, the obsidian blade can be found in the attic of the haunted house. Look for a hidden compartment near the window where you can retrieve the obsidian blade.

Why was obsidian discovered?

Someone found it centuries ago.

Does Obsidian help make up any sedimentary rocks?

It could most certainly be found in sedimentary rock in areas of past volcanism, and is, in fact, found in some limestones.

Is obsidian found anywhere in upstate new york?

My 8 year old found a large piece of obsidian in dansville ny this weekend. We are amazed by its size and beauty

Could Maryland have a supervolcano?

I think so, recently I found obsidian around the base and surrounding areas of Sugarloaf Mtn..