This begs two questions; were there actually cavemen? And what makes you think they danced?
Starting with the first part; caveman is something of a 19th, early 20th century stereotype. Few scientists working in the field would refer to "cavemen", mainly because there isn't much evidence that early humans actually lived in caves.
Going to the second part of the question; why did they dance? It's very hard to speculate about why prehistoric hominids did things. It would be hard enough to come up with a good answer for modern humans, let alone prehistoric ones.
However, I would postulate that humans are natural pattern detectors - it can be argued that a definition of intelligence is "the ability to detect patterns" and early hominids, who we know made stone tools, would have heard the repetative sounds of the toolmakers and, presumably, moved along with the sounds.
Cavemen may have danced for various reasons, such as to celebrate a successful hunt, to communicate or strengthen bonds within their community, or as part of rituals or ceremonies to connect with the spiritual world. Dancing also may have served as a form of self-expression or entertainment.
cavemen probaly do have ghost i don't no any thing can happen
Cavemen were early humans who lived in prehistoric times, around 2.5 million years ago to about 10,000 years ago. They were known for their use of stone tools, hunting and gathering lifestyle, and basic social structures. They did not have advanced technologies like we do today.
Cavemen likely engaged in trade of goods such as tools, food, and clothing. The items exchanged would vary depending on location and resources available to the specific group of cavemen. Trading would enable them to acquire resources that were not available in their immediate surroundings.
Yes, cavemen lived during the prehistoric times, which typically refers to the period of time before written records were kept. The term "cavemen" is often used to describe early human ancestors who lived in caves or simple shelters and relied on hunting and gathering for survival.
Probably the cavemen.
because they had legs and were willing to move them
dance has been around since cavemen times probz. i bet they used to have a nice little dance round the fire.
They might have danced when they were happy, or when they hunted mammoths or other extinct animals.
yes they did! they all gave eachother rocks and all had a dance around a cave camp fire :)
Neanderthals were a species of cavemen, yes.
cavemen cavemen
yes! there was cavemen,well that's what i have herd
because cavemen made civilation
The characteristic of cavemen is a description of their evertday lifestyles.
What numbers did cavemen use
Walking with Cavemen was created in 2005.