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Scientists think humankind began in East Africa because no fossil records of early humans as old as those found in Africa have been discovered anywhere else, genetic testing has proved that the earliest humans come from that area, and migration routes traced the earliest humans to Africa.

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8mo ago
  1. Fossil evidence of early hominins, our ancestors, has been found in East Africa.
  2. Genetic studies have shown that populations in East Africa exhibit the highest genetic diversity, suggesting a longer history of human habitation.
  3. Environmental factors, such as the availability of resources and favorable climate conditions, make East Africa a plausible region for human evolution and dispersal.
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Why do most scientists believe that human life began in Africa?

Because that is where human bones were first found.

When was it believed that humankind began?

more than 3 million years ago which was when Lucy, an adult female humanoid was found, but some scientists believe humankind started to separate from apes about 6 million years ago. however homo-sapiens (that's us) were only found at 200,000 years ago (NOT THAT LONG AGO COMPARED TO THE MILLIONS OF YEARS before we existed).

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Many scientists theorize that nacent humankind arose somewhere in Africa, typically central Africa. Many of the world's top 3 religious groups believe that early humankind began in the Middle East or Fertile Crescent.

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Why do scientists think life began in africia?

Scientists believe life may have originated in Africa because the continent has a diverse range of habitats and a long history of supporting life. Fossil evidence suggests that early human ancestors originated in Africa, leading to the idea that life itself may have emerged there as well. Additionally, Africa's unique geology and climate are believed to have provided favorable conditions for the development of early life forms.

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The theory that mankind began in Africa and eventually migrated around the world.

When do scientists think life began?

It depends on what relign you are practicing.

In what part of the world did writing start in?

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Where do scientists think life began?

God created all the universe and all life that exist! He made allThis is one belief that is shared among all Christians. However, some scientists believe that life started 4.5 billion years ago in Africa. It then evolved and spread out across the world.

During the Scientific Revolution scientists began using what?

The Scientific Method :)