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Advantages of Animal Testing

Animals are built with the same basic parts as humans so scientists can test whether medicines and chemicals are harmful or safe before the risk the lives of humans.

Animals are in abundance, so scientists can perform larger numbers of tests that could be done on people at a cheaper price. Life saving drugs are tested on animals and it is a fact that the white rat has saved more lives than the calling of 911.

Without animal testing, the cure for polio would not exist. Neither would successful blood transfusions or organ trasplants. Diabetics would suffer or die.

In some cases, animal testin IS cruel, but it would be more cruel to test new drugs on little children or to let people die because there is not enough information about a drug.

Animal rights campaigners say we don't need new test, because we have enough information already. We wouldn't have that information without animal tests and many new infections that need to be treated appear each year.

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if you believe in animal have no morals,,,i no this because i just wrote a 5 page paper on animal testing and its horrid

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