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No. Animal testing is a necessary part of research.

Animal testing has advanced our technology and medicine. Practicaly every medical breakthrough in recent years has been due to research with animals. For example, treatments for TB, AIDS/HIV, smallpox, polio, cancer, and other devestating illnesses could only have come up (ethically) as a result of animal testing. Additionally, not only do humans benefit, but so do animals. Veterinarian treatments (i.e. treatments for animals) are largely also the result of animal testing. Research on animals has also uncovered new ways on how to treat better treat animals. Had animal testing not existed, it is very unlikely that our healthcare and well-being would be as advanced as it is today.

When working with animals, scientists are expected to follow a code of ethics. Included in this code are the 3Rs:

Replacement: Scientists must exhaust alternative means to get the results without testing on the animals themselves. For example, instead of testing on animals, the answers can be found from archival video clips of nature, or from computer modeling. In other words, animal testing must only done as a last resort.

Reduction: If testing on animals is necessary, scientists must use as few animals as possible.

Refinement: When animal testing is necessary, scientists must refine their methods taken to eliminate any unnecessary suffering caused to the subjects. For example, if an animal must be opened to view something, the animal must be anaesthized, and if it is necessary to kill the animal, it must be put down in a humane manner.

Unfortunately, there are indeed occasions where some researchers inflict unnecessary cruelty on animals, such as the Silver Spring monkey case. However, to use this to brand all animal testing as cruel is like using workplace abuse cases to brand all businessness as evil. No respectable scientist is motivated by sadism or desire to cause harm to animals. Remember, scientists are just as human as any other person on earth, and sometimes they make mistakes that have consequences. This is no more flawed than a person trying to rescue and free animals, only to unknowingly and unintentionally kill them.

It is lamentable that animals are subject through this, but it is a sacrifice that is necessary for the better.

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Q: Is animal testing cruel
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because for the most part the animals are going thru a biochemical warfare. they are being tested against there will. a lot of people think that it is cruel, which to a degree is, but would you want them testing on humans?