The previous answer stated "Cow." But, there are much more, such as: Antelope, Bison/Buffalo, Camel, Elk, Moose, Elephant, Giraffe, Hippopotamus, Porpoise, Reindeer, Rhinoceros, Whale and Yak.
All of the ones listed above are called "Calfs" (or spelled "Calves") as babies.
- Ashley Cant
The animals that have young referred to as calves are the following:
A young camel is called a calf or a git which is the child of a camelA young camel is called a calf
A young bison or buffalo is called a calf
A young/baby whale is called a calf
A baby giraffe is called a calf. (see related link)
Young whales are called calves (singular form is calf), no matter which kind.
A baby elephant is called a calf, like a baby cowA calf.A young elephant is called a calf.Elephants are considered social animals and normally give birth after a gestation period of 12 months. The young one of an elephant is called a calf.
A young elephant is referred to as a calf.A calfa calf
A baby dolphin is called a calf. However, a young dolphin that is 4-6 years old is past the calf stage of life. They are called juveniles.
A young rhinoceros is called a calf, just like a cow or whale.
A young gnu is called a calf
A young moose is called a calf.
It is called Baby Elephant. A young elephant is called a calf.