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born = 1901

changed = 1920 <3

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Q: What year did Alice become a vampire?
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What year did Alice Cullen become a vampire?

It doesn't say in the books.

What year did Alice Cullen become a vampire twilight?

Around 1920

When did Alice become a vampire?


How does Alice become a vampier?

an old vampire changed her.

What year was Alice Cullen changed into a vampire?

She was changed into a vampire in 1920

In what year was Mary Alice Brandon changed into a vampire?

Alice Cullen was changed in the year of 1920, I believe.

When did Alice Cullen get transformed into a vampire?

she changed about the same year Edward did

In what year did Jasper become vampire?

he became a vampire in 1863

What was Alice name before she was a vampire?

Alice No, it was Mary Alice Brandon, she became a vampire in 1901

What day did Alice become a vampire?

she woke up in 1920 she was 19 she was born in 1901, Alice doesn't really remember her human life.

Besides edward who votes for Bella to become a vampire?

Edward does not vote for Bella to be a vampire he is against it and Alice Emmett Esme Jasper and Carlisle are for it

What year was Alice turned into a vampire?

She was turned in the 1900's era[ sometime in the 1900's] Mary Alice [Alice Cullen] when she was a human she had premonitions so...They took her to a mental asylum and a old vampire at the asylum changed her to protect her from James ,since he was after her.And that's why as a vampire she has visions.