The antonyms for spinster (an unmarried woman) are wife, widow, or divorcee.
(The opposite gender of the female spinster would be a bachelor.)
what is the oppposite of marry? dismarry
The noun for a male is a bachelor; the noun for a female is a spinster.The word bachelorette is a more recent addition to popular culture, because the word spinster has such negative connotations.
A person of either sex, who is under 18 and still unmarried.
The male counterpart of spinster is bachelor.
Spinster Stakes was created in 1956.
The masculine equivalent of spinster is bachelor.
A widow is female and a bachelor is male, so they are the opposite gender. A widow is not the female equivalent of a bachelor. It is the female equivalent of a widower. A spinster is the female equivalent of a bachelor.
The Spinster Apartments. The Spinster Apartments.
A spinster is a woman who has never (not naver) married.
The antonyms for spinster (an unmarried woman) are wifeor widow.
Slowly knitting the spinster worked. Spinster is not a verb so the adverb (slowly) doesn't directly relate to spinster, it tells us about the verb knitting
The Spinster EP was created on 2009-06-01.