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Carbon dioxide is the most abundant waste product of metabolism. The chemical formula for carbon dioxide is CO2. It is a chemical compound that occurs naturally.

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Q: What is the most abundant metabolic waste produced by animals?
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What are the principal metabolic waste products?

Urea , Uric acid and Creatinine are the major metabolic waste products thats correct

What is expelling of metabolic waste called?

The expulsion of metabolic waste from the body is called excretion. This process involves removing waste products produced during metabolism, such as ammonia and urea, through various organs like the kidneys, lungs, and skin.

What is a likely metabolic waste product of these bacteria?

A likely metabolic waste product of bacteria could be ammonia, produced from the breakdown of nitrogen-containing compounds like proteins.

What refers to our body's waste products?

Metabolic waste products are substances produced by our body as a result of normal metabolic processes. These waste products include carbon dioxide, urea, and ammonia, which are eliminated through processes such as respiration, urine excretion, and sweat.

Are salts metabolic wastes in animals?

Humans and most other air-breathing animals require a constant source of fresh drinking water to excrete accumulated salts and metabolic waste products.

Is inorganic salts metabolic waste?

no, it would have to be organic to be a metabolic waste

Much of the carbon dioxide produced by green plants is not excreted as a metabolic waste because it?

can be used for photosynthesis

The rate at which wastes are produced by a cell partially depends on the cell's?

metabolic rate and function. Cells with higher metabolic rates and active functions tend to produce more waste compared to cells with lower metabolic rates and less activity. The efficiency of waste elimination processes within the cell also plays a role in determining the rate of waste production.

How do the smallest and thinnest animals meet the requirement of supplying oxygen and nutrients to cells and removing metabolic waste?


Is defined as the discharge from the body of metabolic waste products?

Metabolic waste products include substances like urea, carbon dioxide, and excess salts produced during cellular processes. These waste products are removed from the body through processes such as urine excretion, respiration, and sweating.

What is the most abundant organic waste?

Food waste is typically the most abundant organic waste, generated from households, restaurants, supermarkets, and food processing facilities. This type of waste can include fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products, and meats. Recycling and composting are common methods for managing food waste to reduce its environmental impact.

What waste produced by animals is used by plants?

Carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a waste product produced by animals (including humans of course) during respiration. Plants use this as part of the process of photosynthesis, which in turn creates oxygen (as a waste product).