An insect does this to grow.
It expands rapidly before the next exoskeleton hardens.
an arthropod sheds it old exoskeleton when it has grown to a point where it needs a larger exoskeleton. This process is called ecdysis.
An animal (insect) with an exoskeleton still grows under its exoskeleton like any other animal (insect). The exoskeleton is like a suit of armor, when the animal (insect) grows to big to fit inside its exoskeleton it sheds it, and a newer exoskeleton will grow to fit the animal (insect).
When an insect sheds its outer skin, it's called molting.
Moulting or ecdysis
An exoskeleton is a layer of skin that is like and "exo" (outside) "skeleton", that an animal sheds
All insects have an exoskeleton on the outside.
NO! all insects have an exoskeleton