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Life, growth and death. Although they work differently, plants and animals both process food, but with different systems, grow using proteins and nutrients from food and die once they cannot eat, drink, or become damaged.

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Q: What behaviour is common to both plants and animals?
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What are five things that plants and animals have in common?

Plants and animals both need water, air, and nutrients to survive. They are both composed of cells and rely on photosynthesis for energy production. Both plants and animals have the ability to reproduce and adapt to their environment.

What two things plants and animals have in common?

There are actually many things in common, such as: -both are made of cells -both are eukaryotic -both need water -both produce wastes

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Omnivores are animals that eat both plants and meat. An animal that feeds on both plants and animals An animal that feeds on both plants and animals An animal that feeds on both plants and animalsAnimals which eat both plants and flesh of other animals .For example-crow,bear etc.

Animals the eat both plants and animals?

Animals that eat both plants and animals are called omnivores.

Do plants and animals both have plastid?

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What do both animals and plants have?

Both animals and plants have organelles called mitochondria. They also both have cells, RNA and DNA.