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In Animals,

The Parenchyma are the functional parts of an organ in the body, this is in contrast to the stroma, which refers to the structural tissue of organs, namely, the connective tissues.

In Plants,

Parenchyma cells are thin walled cells of the ground tissue that make up most of non woody structures.

The cells in the leaf constitute the mesophyll (photosynthetic parenchyma cells that lie between the upper and lower epidermis layers of a leaf) they are responsible for photosynthesis and allow for the inter change of gases.

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Q: What are parenchymatous tissue?
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The tissue that carries food to all parts of the plant is?

phloem transport tissue carries food (sugars and other organic compounds) produced by photosynthesis in plant leaves to other parts of the plant for growth and energy.

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What types of plant cells have chloroplasts?

Place in plants where chloroplast is found is a permanent tissue called chlorenchyma which is a type of parenchymatous tissue.

What type of tissue on a plant allows it to grow?

Meristem tissue is responsible for the growth of plants. It is found at the tips of roots and shoots and is actively dividing to produce new cells, allowing the plant to grow in length and width.

What is meat by primary and secondary growth in vascular plants?

The primary growth in vascular plants takes place with the differentiation of vascular tissue from parenchymatous cells and the secondary growth takes place when the intra-vascular and inter vascular cambium adds to the secondary phloem and secondary xylem.

What is a parenchymatous organ?

its kind of viscera appear usually as a soft grayish red or brownish mass like liver

What tissue occupies the center of the dicot stem?

cortex- In dicot stems, the cortex is located in the area between thevascular bundles and the epidermis. In monocot stems, it occupies the area surrounding the vascularbundles. The center of the stem is pith and may function as storage.

What is the function of pith rays?

parenchymatous tissue that extends between the vascular bundles of a stem or root.Connecting the pith to the cortex by living cells so that all the vital activities are properly cordinated.

Why is xylem vessel referred to as mechanical tissue?

- Walls made from dead lignin cells, which waterproof and support walls even if water levels are low in plants. - Narrow tubes so water column doesn't break easily. - Pits in walls allow water to move from one cell to another.

What are the basic functions of the sclerenchyma tissue?

parenchyma tissue is composed of parenchyma cells,it has thick walls and is the living things is the site of photosynthesis, bcoz it contain store products of photosynthesis also has octagon shape. collenchyma tissues era composed of collenchyma cells and they are the living has thickened walls that are more than parechyma provide tensile strength to the has thick corners. sclerenchyma tissue are composed of sclerenchyma cells,it develop from secondary walls of the provide mechanical support to the plant

Four types of human tissue?

The four main types of human tissue are epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, and nervous tissue. Epithelial tissue covers body surfaces and lines cavities. Connective tissue supports and connects various body parts. Muscle tissue is responsible for movement, while nervous tissue transmits and processes information in the body.