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Q: What are good effects of science on the environment?
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What are the banes of science?

Science is a bane because it is sometimes misused and that misuse often has negative effects on health and the environment.

What are the good effects in the environment?

Vegetation creates oxygen.

What are the good and bad effects of science?

Good:Easier way of livingBad:Pollution

How effective science may be changing human environment?

Zero. Science has no ability whatsoever to change anything about the human environment. All Science can do is explain the effects on our environment of the way we live, and the changes that can be expected ... improvements or degradations ... if we do things in a different way. That's all Science can do. The human environment changes only if great masses of people change the way they decide to live.

What applied science that focuses on the environmental effects of human activities is called?

The applied science that focuses on the environmental effects of human activities is called environmental science. It is a multidisciplinary field that studies the interactions between humans and the environment to address issues such as pollution, resource management, and conservation.

Give me the 5 examples of good effects of the environment?

booom panes

What are the good effects of science on the food we eat?

we know all about the food and know that is this food is good ?

What effects does simbec have on the local environment?

it is good for you to now the information to every words

What are the good effects of the environment?

less pollution by cars buses plains ship

How do you make a science project using waste materials topic is environment?

How to make A science project using waste materials topic depends on what your topic is. One option is making a topic about the effects of pollution on our environment using waste materials.

How the knowledge of science is usefull for a salesman?

It is important for the salesman to have the knowledge of science so that he can sell environment friendly and good products.

What could be some of the good effects of family planning on population growth and the environment?

islam ..