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an elephant

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Q: What animal has heaviest teeth of any living animal?
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What has the largest heaviest teeth of any living animal?


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What living animal has the heaviest brain AND how much does it weigh approximately?

The sperm whale has the heaviest brain of any living animal, weighing approximately 17 pounds (7.8 kilograms).

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Does any animal have 45 teeth?

No, there is no known animal that has exactly 45 teeth. The number of teeth can vary among different animal species, but 45 teeth specifically is not a common dental formula in the animal kingdom.

What is the heaviest animal?

The heaviest animal on earth is the Blue Whale weighing up to 100 tons!The blue whale is the largest animal to live on the face of this planet ever, which obviously means that it was larger than any recorded dinosaur.Blue whaleBlue whaleThe heaviest animal in the world would naturally be the largest animal in the world, the blue whale.The Blue whale can weigh over 150 or 300,00 lbs. How is that for heavy.

What is the heaviest animal ever to live on planet earth?

The blue whale is the heaviest animal ever to have lived on Earth, with adults reaching weights of up to 200 tons. These massive marine mammals are larger than any known dinosaur that once roamed the planet.

Breath in what?

Any living animal.

Do pittbulls have cavaties?

Any animal with teeth can have dental caries, or cavities

What breathes in oxygen?

Any living animal.

Why teeth are the most abundant fossil of hominid?

It is living matter that has become mineralized (fossilized).

What animal has an average of 75 teeth?

a marten has 38 teeth. to find out more go to