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Q: Two canadians dr Frederick banting and dr Charles best discovered a sustance that saved the lives of many diabetecs what is the this substance?
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What is a substance discovered by Canadians that saves lives of diabetics?

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When did Frederick Miescher discover DNA?

Frederick Miescher discovered DNA in 1869 while studying the nucleus of white blood cells. He isolated a new chemical substance from cell nuclei that he called "nuclein," which we now know as DNA.

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Why did Frederick Banting invent insulin?

Frederick Banting invented insulin to treat diabetes after seeing the devastating effects of the disease on his patients. He wanted to find a way to alleviate their suffering and improve their quality of life. His research eventually led to the discovery of insulin as a life-saving treatment for diabetes.

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Only by repeated and continuous experiments in laboratory.

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Selenium was discovered in 1817 in Sweden by Swedish chemist Jรถns Jacob Berzelius.

How nucleic was discovered?

Nucleic acids were discovered by Friedrich Miescher in 1869. He isolated a substance from the nuclei of cells that contained high amounts of phosphorus, which he called nuclein. Later, this substance was found to be composed of nucleic acids, which carry genetic information in cells.

Why was hydrogen discovered?

i have no idea... but Phillip Von hohenheim made it by mixing metals with acid. He first discovered it, but then Henry Cavendish was the first to recognise it as a descreet substance.

When did Fredrick Banting invent insulin?

Insulin was actually discovered by Nicolae Paulescu, a Romanian scientist in 1916. His work predated that of Fredrick Banting by five years, although Banting went on the win the Nobel Prize along with John Mcleod, although Charles Best was not recognized for the contributions to their re-discovery of insulin. The common misconception that insulin was "invented" by Canadians persists to this day. Also, insulin is a naturally occurring substance and thus was discovered. However, different means by which it can by synthesized have been invented.