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Cross breeding is simply taking two breeds of animals and mating them together (Such as a Charolais crossed with a Hereford).

Where selective breeding is selecting the what two animals you want bred together to produce a better animal.

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Q: How is cross breeding different from selective breeding?
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it counts only to cross breeding, in my opinion.

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What are the two types of selective breeding?

The two types of selective breeding are inbreeding and outbreeding. Inbreeding involves breeding closely related individuals to emphasize specific traits, while outbreeding involves breeding unrelated individuals to introduce genetic diversity.

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It is called cross-breeding, selective breeding or hybridization.

Does selective cross breeding cause infertility?

No, in most cases it doesn't. Cross-breeding is actually supposed to enhance fertility, especially when crossing on purebreed with another to get an F1 animal.

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Selective breeding is a way of creating stronger, more efficient animals. It is reliable and can increase the price of animals because of their garuntee.

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the process of selecting a few organisms with the desired traits to serve as parents of the next generation is called what?

What is another name for selective breeding?

Another name of selective breeding can also be artificial selection.

What are some draw backs of selective breeding?

You do not allow evolution to occur, for you are evolution in selective breeding.