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you just believe in god will tell u at nite. God bless u.......... bye......

r u crazy.........?

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Q: How does the dichotomous key help people in identifying organisms?
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How are cladogram and dichotomous different?

A cladogram illustrates evolutionary relationships between organisms through branching patterns based on shared characteristics. On the other hand, a dichotomous key is a tool used in biology to identify unknown organisms by sequentially choosing between two characteristics in a series of steps. While cladograms show evolutionary relationships, dichotomous keys help in the classification and identification of organisms.

Why do Scientist use dichotomous keys to?

Scientists use dichotomous keys to help identify and classify organisms based on their characteristics. These keys present a series of pairs of choices, leading the user to the correct identification by following a process of elimination. Dichotomous keys provide a systematic and standardized way to identify organisms, which is important in fields such as biology, ecology, and taxonomy.

Is a dichotomous key used to identify an unknown organism?

Yes, a dichotomous key is a tool used to help identify unknown organisms by presenting a series of paired characteristics for the user to choose from, ultimately leading to the identification of the organism.

What is a dichotomous key and why do scientist use them?

A dichotomous key is a tool used in biology to help identify organisms based on their characteristics. It presents a series of choices with two possible outcomes for each characteristic, leading to the correct identification of the organism. Scientists use dichotomous keys because they provide a systematic and efficient way to classify and identify different species in the natural world.

Dichotomous keys and branching diagrams organize different types of information about are these tools used differently?

Dichotomous keys are used to help identify organisms by narrowing down choices based on observable characteristics, while branching diagrams illustrate relationships between different groups of organisms based on shared characteristics. Dichotomous keys are typically used for identification purposes, while branching diagrams are used to show evolutionary relationships.

Why dichotomous keys may be subject to change over time?

Because they help biologists to identify items, or organisms such as (Rocks, animals, and plants) by using defining characterstics.

How would a scientist use a Dichotomous key to identify an unfamiliar organism?

A Dichotomous key is a method for identifying any unknown organism by asking a series of questions about the organisms characteristics

What is a simple definition of a dichotomous key?

A dichotomous key is a tool used in biology to help identify organisms based on their characteristics by presenting a series of choices between two alternative characteristics. By following the choices that best match the characteristics of the organism in question, users can narrow down and identify the organism.

How does dichotomous key help scientist?

It makes identification easy .

What can help identify an unknown living things?

A dichotomous key.

What of organisms is taxonomic keys can be used to help determine?

Taxonomic keys can be used to help determine the identity of organisms, such as plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms. By following a series of dichotomous choices based on specific characteristics, users can narrow down the options and arrive at the correct classification of the organism in question.

What is it called when a key only gives you two choices and is used to classify organisms?

This is called a dichotomous key. It is a tool used in biology to help identify organisms based on a series of characteristics, where each step presents two choices that lead to the identification of the organism.