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Lionfish are dangerous because they are one of the most venomous fish, and it has venomous sting. It's sting lasts 10-20 minutes. There are 40,000-50,000 cases of lionfish stinging's annually.

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10y ago
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13y ago

Both of them are dangerous. The lionfish is full of poison spines and skin, and eats meat. Tigerfish eat meat and have sharp big teeth, but are not poisonous.

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15y ago

lionfish have deadly sharp spines on them that are full with venom.

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10y ago

They are because they have venomous needles on their fins.

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13y ago

it is but not as people think it is

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Q: Are lionfish poisonous
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What is exanple of a lionfish?

An example of an lionfish are dwarf lionfish. Lionfish have poisonous fins that extend out from their bodies that are extremely potent and can be fatal to a person if not treated immediately.

Are lionfish a threat to humans?

Yes. A lionfish has poisonous spines and a poisonous body to protect itself. If a piranha and a lionfish met, the piranha will attack the lionfish, but the lionfish would sting it, and kill the piranha and eat it.

What are the prey of the lionfish?

they don't use there poisonous spin they gulp it

How poisonous is a black voliten lionfish?

Although there not deadly, they are very painful.

Can a lionfish kill or hurt a band shark?

Yes it can because, it is poisonous.

How does a lionfish attacks?

A lionfish will slowly approach a small fish. When close enough, a quick dart forward will catch the small fish, which is swallowed whole. The poisonous spines of the lionfish are for defence, not to catch prey.

Why is the lionfish poisonous?

All animals needs something that protects them from being eaten by predators. It can be speed, camouflage, a hard Shell, the ability to fight back - or, like for lionfish, nasty prickly venomous spines.