Athena and Poseidon did not get along because they were rivals in being the Patron God of Athens. A contest was held to see which god could give Athenians a greater gift. Athena won by giving the Greeks an Olive tree.
medusa/she was cursed for having sexual intercourse with poseiden in the temple of athens
the sea
It was made for him by the Cyclopes.
The Greek goddess Athena played a very important part in the founding of Athens. Athena and her uncle Poseiden both wanted to become patriot god of a thriving city, so they held a competition. Poseiden struck his mighty trident against the earth to make a spring, but the citizens were unable to drink from it because it was saltwater. They deemed Poseiden's gift useless and chose Athena's gift instead, an olive tree that could provide olives for them to eat. The city was founded by Athena and was named Athens in her honour.
medusa/she was cursed for having sexual intercourse with poseiden in the temple of athens
The Greek goddess Athena's two most common symbols are the owl and the olive tree.Owl: The owl represents great wisdom.Olive tree: When Athena competed with her uncle Poseiden to become the patriot of a thriving city, she won the competition by giving the city an olive tree, which they found more useful than Poseiden's saltwater spring. Athena was declared patriot goddess and the city was named Athens in her name.
Poseiden was eaten along with his brothers by the ruling Titan Cronus. Zeus escaped this fate and eventually released his brothers by killing Cronus. Zeus, Hades, and Poseiden drew lots to what part of the earth they would rule. Poseiden drew water and so he became the god of the Ocean.
Zues, Poseiden, Hades, Dionysus, Hephestus, Hermes, Appollo, Hera, Aphrodite, Athena, Artimes, Demeter.
poseiden travel is a traveling angency
Poseiden's name in Roman is Neptune.
Hestia and Athena were both virgin goddesses along with Artemis.
Aphrodite won the Judgment of Paris, and Athena was jealous
the temple of poseiden is located in someone's butt whoever said that
Athena, his sister.