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The name Purefoy, the original English spelling, comes from the Norman Language. Following The Battle of Hastings, the Normans gave a definitive character to England. About 100 years after the conquest, the first records of the name Purefoy appear.

According to Dr. Tom Gamble, French professor, retired or Western Carolina University. A literal translation of the name would mean "Pure liver." However, no one would take that kind of name or meaning. It has been translated, "Pure heart" or "Pure Faith." In midieval times the liver was considered to be the center of the body. Today we would translate the name to mean "Pure of Heart or faith."

The original immigrants carried the name Purefoy, first to the Jamestown settlement, then to the area north of New Burn, North Carolina. Either the grandchildren or great-grandchildren, considering how many generations of Thomas Purefoy are named, took the name south to Georgia. Three of five brothers made the move south. One moved on to Alabama and some of them took the spelling Purifoy. The descendants of Arrington became Peurifoy's. Family legend is that they were reacting to their father's strick Primitive Baptist beliefs and left home. They later became very involved in the Methodist movement. There were at leave five circuit riding Preachers with the name Peurifoy during the 1830's.

Most of those with the Purifoy spelling are found in Eastern North Carolina, Arkansas and Texas

We are a small family group.

Sometimes in the records you find the name spelled Pewrifoy, Peurifoye and Purfoy.

Hope this helps.

Robert C. Peurifoy

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