HELEN OF TROY returned to menelaus (her husband) at sparta where she encountered telemachus from the oddyssey
Back home in her home in Sparta.
Back in husband Menelaus' palace in Sparta.
He cooked up the scheme of the Trojan Horse which got the Greeks entry to the city.
All the kings made a deal that if one goes to war and calls upon you than you have to go.
Paris of Troy was deeply in love with Helen of Sparta, who was said to be the most beautiful woman in the world. So he kidnapped her and sailed back to Troy. This angered Helen's husband, King Menelaus, so he gathered up Greek forces from many city-states and sailed after Paris to Troy. Great battles ensued, thus starting the Trojan War.
Ulysses or Odysseus came up with the plan to trick the Trojans in the Trojan war
Back in husband Menelaus' palace in Sparta.
If you are asking about who came up with the Trojan Horse, it was Odysseus.
I do not have to, the ending is described in the Aeneid.
He cooked up the scheme of the Trojan Horse which got the Greeks entry to the city.
All the kings made a deal that if one goes to war and calls upon you than you have to go.
Paris of Troy was deeply in love with Helen of Sparta, who was said to be the most beautiful woman in the world. So he kidnapped her and sailed back to Troy. This angered Helen's husband, King Menelaus, so he gathered up Greek forces from many city-states and sailed after Paris to Troy. Great battles ensued, thus starting the Trojan War.
Ulysses or Odysseus came up with the plan to trick the Trojans in the Trojan war
He doesn't hear it. He comes up with the idea of the Trojan horse and wins the war for Greece.
Helen was not a god(dess). She was a beautiful mortal woman who was the cause of a lot of trouble (though it wasn't really her fault). Helen was abducted, and the efforts of her relatives and their friends (and their friends, etc.) to get her back resulted in the Trojan War. Improved answer: Helen was a godess, I am not sure what of though! I will get back to you on this..... Improved answer: Helen is a Demi-goddess her mother was a human and her father was a god (Zeus) she is the goddess of beauty and perfection also lust Helen was human and then she became the goddess of consolidation.
For one thing he came up with the idea of the Trojan Horse.
Eventually, after the events of the Trojan War, Helen was seized by her husband, Menelaus, who swore that he'd kill her. She managed to seduce him, and when they landed home after ten years, he was more than willing to forget the incident and take her back again. After Menelaus died, she went to the queen of Rhodes for help. Unfortunately, Queen Polyxo bore a grudge against Helen because her own husband had been killed in the Trojan War. In revenge, Polyxo and her handmaidens dressed up as the Furies and hung Helen from a plane tree.