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The Volcano erupting and consuming the town.

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Q: What were the most important things in pompeii?
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It was a sweet band that revolutionized music about volcanoes with their songs Pompeii and things we lost in the fire.

Did pompeii have a ruler?

Yes Pompeii did have a ruler and it was Rome the most but there were many other countries that controlled pompeii.

Why is today so important?

Pompeii is important because of its history.

What was the political structure of Pompeii and herculaneum?

Pompeii is a city were you could find things you have never saw befor

What volcanic activity caused the most destruction in Pompeii?

volcanic activity caused the most destruction in pompeii

How did Pompeii discover things from the past?

It discovered things from the past because those things had happen.

Is Pompeii still important today?

because it is mate.

Why was the Amphitheatre important in Pompeii?

Religion was an important part of the lives of everyday Romans so they paid Temples a visit very often. There are many temples and shrines in Pompeii.

What is so important about the dog mosaic from pompeii?

It is a important piece of history and concludes the point that pompeii did use atidtic decorations in thier houses.

What factor is the most important to living things?

Oxygen is the most important factor for living things.

Why is Pompeii important to Australia?

Pompeii doesn't have any importance to Australia, except for people who are archaeologists and interested in travelling over there.

Did children in ancient Pompeii do trading?

no, in ancient pompeii most of the trading were done with farmers and solders