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Chronologically (remember there were 12 boats, and 40 men per boat, so 480 men):

The Cicone, a village neighboring another village they raided. 72 men died, 408 left.

The encounter with the Polypemus (the Cyclopes). 6 men died, 402 left.

The Laestrygonians, a kingdom of cannibals. 368 died, and all but one ship was destroyed. 34 men left.

Elpenor, the youngest soldier, was drunk and fell off Circe's roof, breaking his neck. 1 died, 33 men left.

Journey to the Underworld, nobody dies, but many of them are scared.

The Scylla, a 6-headed beast. 6 men die, 27 left.

Charbrydis, a whirlpool. No men die.

Zeus revenge on Odysseus for killing Helios' cattle. 27 men die, and the last ship is destroyed. Odysseus is now all alone and lands on Calypso. From there he escapes, journeys to Phaecia, and the Phaecians bring him to Ithaca, where he kills all the suitors.

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Q: What were the Trials of Odysseus?
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What are the reasons for the trials of Odysseus?

He did not pay attention to the will of the gods.

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Why couldn't Odysseus go home?

Odysseus eventually did return home. He was hampered along the way by all sorts of trials.

Why does Odysseus not return home with his fellow Greeks?

On his way home from Troy, Odysseus gets lost and comes across many trials. One of his major trials was being captured by Calypso for seven years. This imprisonment seriously delayed his journey home.

What step best describes the time when Odysseus has to battle the cyclops polyphemous?

hero faces many trials

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Athene, the goddess of wisdom and also of cunning, assisted Odysseus throughout his trials. This is because Odysseus was not only known for his strength and intelligence, but for his wisdom and cunning. After about 500 BCE, her name was changed to Athena.

Did all of the gods want Odysseus to return home?

No, Poseidon (God of the sea) did not want Odysseus to return home to Ithaca because Odysseus blinded his son the cyclops Polythemus. The fates had declared that Odysseus would not return home until he had suffered many trials.

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Two characters who contrast with Odysseus in "The Odyssey" are the suitors, who represent arrogance, greed, and disrespect, and Penelope, who embodies patience, loyalty, and cunning. The suitors' behavior highlights Odysseus's noble qualities, while Penelope's steadfastness serves as a counterpoint to Odysseus's long journey and trials.

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Hercules pities Odysseus because he sees that Odysseus must endure many trials and challenges on his long journey home. Hercules can relate to the hardships that Odysseus faces, as he too has experienced many struggles during his own labors. Hercules admires Odysseus's determination and resilience in the face of adversity.

Did homer write The Iliad and odyssey?

Yes..The Iliad was first, about the Trojan War, then the Odyssey about Odysseus' trials in returning to Ithaca.

What step of the heroic quest myth best describes the time when Odysseus has to battle the cyclops Polyphemous?

the hero faces many trials

What was the moral of Odysseus?

The moral of Odysseus is perseverance in the face of adversity. Despite facing numerous trials and challenges on his journey back home, Odysseus never gives up and remains determined to reunite with his family. His story teaches us the importance of resilience and determination in overcoming obstacles.