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Once Odysseus realizes that the Circe is turning his men into pigs he runs to rescue them. On the way he is greeted by Hermes who gives him an herb called Moly. Odysseus is suppose to eat the flower which will stop him from changing into a pig and then he is supposed to draw his sword whenever she tries to drive him into the pigsty/cage. The Circe breaks down and Odysseus must agree to have sex with her in exchange for not having her use her powers against him. She then turns all his men back into humans and is now a nice person.

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Q: What prevents circe from turning odysseus into a pig?
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Who Imprisioned odysseus's men in a pig sty before becoming his lover?

The sorceress Circe turned Odysseus' men into pigs and locked them in the pig sty before becoming Odysseus' lover.

Who turned Odysseus men into pig and how were they returned to their original forms?

Odysseus' men were transformed into pigs by a sorcereress called circe. Then Odysseus freed his men by feeding them a special feed thanks to Herme's advice. They remained on the island for a year and Circe sujested two routes to leave by.

Why was Hermes important to the odyssey?

Hermes helped free Odysseus from Calypso. Without him, there would be no way of explaining why Odysseus was gone from Ithaca so long. Further, Hermes helps Odysseus best the enchantress Circe. Otherwise, Odysseus would surely have been turned into a pig along with the rest of his men.

In The Odyssey who is circe?

Circe generally refers to the Greek goddess. She is most well-known for her role in the Odyssey.In Homer's Odyssey, Circe is a witch, who lives in a mansion on the island Aeaea, surrounded by a dense forest. Circe is possibly a minor goddess of magic. Around her house, there are strangely docile (calm and trained) lions and wolves, the victims of her magic potions.Circe lures Odysseus men, and gives them a feast meat and wine. She had poisoned the drink with magical potions. She turns the men into pigs, saying that that is what men are and deserve to be. One man was suspicious, so he didn't eat anything and later ran back to the ship to warn the men who had stayed behind to guard the ship, including Odysseus. Later Circe transforms the men back after sleeping with Odysseus, and being convinced by him to let him and his men be released. Odysseus stays with her for a year. She later directs Odysseus to consult Teiresias in the underworld before leaving.She was the daughter of Helios (A former sun god).

What is a swineherd?

a pig herder

Related questions

What prevents Circe turning Odysseus into a pig?

Once Odysseus realizes that the Circe is turning his men into pigs he runs to rescue them. On the way he is greeted by Hermes who gives him an herb called Moly. Odysseus is suppose to eat the flower which will stop him from changing into a pig and then he is supposed to draw his sword whenever she tries to drive him into the pigsty/cage. The Circe breaks down and Odysseus must agree to have sex with her in exchange for not having her use her powers against him. She then turns all his men back into humans and is now a nice person.

How did Odysseus avoid turning into a pig?

Odysseus avoided turning into a pig by using an herb given to him by the god Hermes, which protected him from the enchantment of Circe. By taking this herb, he was able to maintain his human form and resist Circe's magic.

Who transformed Odysseus sailor into pig?

Circe did

When does Circe realizes who Odysseus is?

Circe realizes that Odysseus is a man of great power and intelligence when he resists her magic and speaks to her as an equal, demonstrating his cunning and wit. She eventually discovers his true identity as the great warrior Odysseus when he reveals his name and background to her. This realization marks a turning point in their relationship as Circe begins to help Odysseus on his journey home.

How does Odysseus convince Circe not to turn him into a pig Select all that apply?

Odysseus convinces Circe not to turn him into a pig by drawing his sword, as Circe is afraid of his weapon. Additionally, he is able to resist her magic because he has been given a protective herb by Hermes. Odysseus also persuades Circe through his cleverness and wit, engaging her in conversation and outsmarting her.

How does Odysseus convince Circe not to turn him into a pig?

Odysseus convinces Circe not to turn him into a pig by drawing his sword to threaten her. He demands that she restore his comrades who had been turned into animals before he would agree to come to her. This show of bravery and assertiveness impressed Circe, leading her to agree to his request.

Who Imprisioned odysseus's men in a pig sty before becoming his lover?

The sorceress Circe turned Odysseus' men into pigs and locked them in the pig sty before becoming Odysseus' lover.

Why couldn't circe turn odyseuss into a pig?

Hermes gave Odysseus an herb which protected him from her powers.

What does Hermes give Odysseus to protect him from Circe's magic?

Hermes gives Odysseus a magic herb called Moly, a herb that symbolizes the protection of the gods, as only the gods can uproot it. It allows Odysseus to resist Circe's poisons and not transform into a pig.

Who advises Odysseus on how to not become a pig?

Hermes advises Odysseus on how to avoid Circe's spell that turns men into pigs by giving him a special herb called moly to protect him. Odysseus follows Hermes' instructions and is able to resist Circe's magic.

How is Odysseus able to negotiate with Circe the safe return of his men?

Hermes warns Odysseus before his encounter with the enchantress Circe, and gives Odysseus a magical herb to protect him from Circes' spells, as well as exact advice as to what to do. Circe tries to turn Odysseus into a pig but fails. Odysseus rushes Circe with his sword, but she acquiesces, and tries to bed Odysseus. Odysseus commands her to swear an oath to do him no further harm, and after she has, he beds her. Afterwards he refuses to eat, and explains he cannot until he sees his men. Circe retrieves them (as animals), and administers a drug to turn them back into normal. Odysseus tells his men to return to the ship.

Who comes to help Odysseus with his problem with Circe?

Hermes gives Odysseus a magic herb called Moly, a herb that symbolizes the protection of the gods, as only the gods can uproot it. It allows Odysseus to resist Circe's poisons and not transform into a pig.