Troubadours of the Middle Ages often wore a hat with a rolled band and a coat with a long tail. The clothes were usually bright in color so they would stand out in performances.
Troubadours were said to not be seen often, and nobody really knows what they looked like. It seems that they used to wear semi-fancy clothing and feathered hats, carrying their instruments.
A lady brewer in the middle ages She brewed beer better than a man
obviously no. i was looking for the answer..
made them
they were swagadelic
Troubadours sang mostly of chivalry and courtly love. There is a link to an article on them below.
Troubadours sang mostly of chivalry and courtly love. There is a link to an article on them below.
How were troubadours important for the development of music in the middle ages How did jongleurs support troubadours What were the differences between troubadours, trouveres, and minnesingers as a result of location
One prominent poet and singer of love songs in the Middle Ages was troubadours. They were composers and performers of lyric poetry in southern France during the High Middle Ages. Their songs often focused on themes of courtly love and chivalry.
they where robes
Nothing, ;)
Clothes Duhhh
I really don't know that's why i asked you so if you can please tell me what the knights of middle ages wear