She feared the gods would be jealous over her
Aphrodite is the god of beauty
Aphrodite did not die.
Ares was Aphrodite's ally.
Aphrodite was given to Hephestus. Aphrodite was not into hephestus and had numerous affairs with Ares and Adonis. :)
The father of Aphrodite is Zeus or Ouranos.
aphrodite fears that some one will be more preety then her!
uglyness and old age
The children of Ares and Aphrodite were Phobos (Fear) and Deimos (Terror), who were commonly associated with the emotions inspired in battle.
Deimos & Phobos, gods of Fear & Terror
Well there's the twin sons of Ares and Aphrodite; Phobos and Deimos, who are the gods of terror and dread. As the the sons of Ares they represent fear on the battle field as the sons of Aphrodite they represent the fear of loss.
Phobos, a son of Ares and Aphrodite.
Yes they did, the children of Ares and Aphrodite are: Deimos & Phobos, gods of fear & terror Harmonia, goddess of harmony Anteros, god of love returned
Phobus (Fear), Deimus (Dread), Harmonia, Hermaphroditus, Priapus and, of course, Eros.
Yes, Aphrodite had many children to almost all her lovers except her husband, Hephaestus. To Ares she had Phobus (fear), Deimus (dread) and Harmonia (harmony). To Hermes she had Hermaphroditus. To Dionysus she had Priapus - who had huge genitals given by Hera for Aphrodite's promiscuity.
Aphrodite did have kids. She had many, but the best known is 1-Demios he was the god of fear! 2- Phobos he was the god of terror! 3-Harmonia she was the goddess of harmony!
The children of Aphrodite and Ares were Phobos (god of fear) and Deimos (god of terror).