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The Aztec emperors were : !. Acamapichtli 1375-1395 His primary queen and wife was Ilancueitl. 2. Huitzilhuitl 1395-1414 His Primary queen was Ayauhcituatl (his aunt). 3. Chimalpopoca 1414-1428 his primary queen is unknown at this time. 4. Itzcoatl 1428-1440 his primary queen was Miahuaxochitl. 5.Montezuma I 1440-69 his primary was Miahuaxochitl (another one). 6. Axayacatl 1469-81 primary queen was lady cotton flower. 7. Tizoc 1481-86 primary queen was Quauncihuatl. 8. Ahuitzotl 1486-1502 queen was Tlillacapantzin. (. Montezuma II 1502-20 his primary queen was Teotlalco.

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