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The most important was agricultural products were produced and people began growing food rather than following the herds. Because they began communities they also began to create government, religion, and military for protection.

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Q: What are some important things that happened in the Neolithic Revolution?
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What happen after the Neolithic revolution?

There are several things that happened after the Neolithic revolution. For instance, women stopped hunting and gathering since the men would work on farms and get food.

What two things resulted in Neolithic revolution?

Farming and tools

What happened in 1492-1865?

A lot of things, though the most important is the american revolution because we are americans

What were the intellectual effects caused by the neolithic revolution?

like many other things man has accomplished by accident or by mistake

What types of foods did the humans in the Neolithic age eat?

Well, since the Neolithic Revolution occured during this time, I assume that they ate things like grains, fruit, vegetables, etc.

What two things resulted in the Neolithic Revolution?

The domestication of plants and animals led to settled farming communities and the shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture, which characterizes the Neolithic Revolution. This transition facilitated the development of food surplus, permanent settlements, and specialized labor.

Why was the agricultural revolution important?

Agricultural revolution is important because people get to do things beside produce food.

What changes occurred during the neolithic revolution?

The important change that began the neolithic age was the discovery of agriculture in 8000 BC. At the time, men hunted and women gathered food and necessities. But, people discovered that some seeds a woman tossed had grown again, and that was the start of agriculture. Now that people farmed, they could stay in one spot and won't have to migrate, so they built villages.

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=the most important things happened in ontario are that some stinkin websites do not work dushes

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