The ancient Japanese are responsible for inventing pottery
more info can be found at the link below
The Mayans created the calender , the number zero , poetry and pyrimads
they invented the weelthats what i have heard.....
they made popcorn BY LAITH AND ABDULLAH
i like maya
Ancient Egyptians invented a lot of important things. Some of these things include paper, ink, writing, medicine, makeup, and toothpaste.
plowing was invented in ancient India and lots more
The duration of Ancient Inventions is 2.5 hours.
Ancient Inventions was created on 1998-09-13.
i really have no idea sry...
velocity of light,pi value
wheel chairs
Some ancient Babylonian inventions are mathematics and astronomy. The Babylonians invented the accurate calendar and knew place value. they also traded with other neighboring cities for economy.
A thing, invention, and I don't Know and so on and on and on......
Some inventions traceable to ancient Egypt include writing systems, black ink, ox-drawn plows, 365-day calender, paper, and sails for boats.
# weel # numbers 0 # # sundial # # r