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She is Minerva in Roman Mythology.

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Q: What are similar goddess to Athena in other cultures?
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Why doesn't Athena have the same personalities in her Roman form?

Athena is not the same goddess as Minerva; they are counterpart to each other and often identified as being the same, but have origins in different cultures.

Athena is the goddess of what?

Athena is the goddess of architecture, strategy, and wisdom hoow

Does the goddess Athena have a weapon?

Simple, Athena was the goddess of battle strategy and Wisdom. In other words Athena can kick your butt and to show that she carries a weapon.

Is Athena the goddess of wisdom?

Yes. Athena is the goddess of wisdom and many other things. But mainly the goddess of wisdom.Yes she in the goddess of wisdom, she knows all in the Greek mythology.

Where did the goddess Athena live?

The Goddess Athena lived on both Mount Olympus with the other Olympian gods and Athens, which was named after her.

How were the Minoan and Mycenaean cultures similar?

The Minoans believed in afterlife and that gods are less important than goddess. In the other hand there was no record in the Mycenaean cultures that there was any god or goddess.

What crafts did Athena teach?

The goddess Athena was known for weaving, pottery, as well as other crafts. Athena is also known as the goddess of wisdom, mathematics, strength, and strategy.

How were the Minoan and Mycenaean similar?

The Minoans believed in afterlife and that gods are less important than goddess. In the other hand there was no record in the Mycenaean cultures that there was any god or goddess.

How Minoan and Mycenaean similar?

The Minoans believed in afterlife and that gods are less important than goddess. In the other hand there was no record in the Mycenaean cultures that there was any god or goddess.

How the Minoan's and Mycenaean's similar?

The Minoans believed in afterlife and that gods are less important than goddess. In the other hand there was no record in the Mycenaean cultures that there was any god or goddess.

Who was the goddess Athena of?

Athena is the Greek goddess of wise counsel, war, the defense of towns, heroic endeavor, weaving, pottery and other crafts. Athena was one of the twelve Olympians.

What is a god or goddess similar to Aphrodite in culture?

Most of the Attendents of Aphordite are similuar to her, these include her son Eros; also in other cultures the Assyrian goddess Ashtarte and the Roman goddess Venus, amongst others.