Poseidon's son was murdered by ares because he tried to rape his daughter
Ares, the God of War.
Zeus punished people for disobeying him in a number of ways. He punished Io by turning her into a cow and punished Atlas by making him hold a giant bolder for eternity.
Ares is the god of war.
Ares the greek god never died. He is immortal.
Every god other than Aphrodite, his wife, hated Ares.
to fight people when needed to be punished
no their was no one who got punished for the Rwanda genocide.
It is han wudi
Both believed that anyone who questioned the government should be harshly punished.
No there's no such thing sadly. And ares ppsh-41 is the best
In Greek mythology, Ares is not specifically known for raping anyone. He is mainly associated with war and violence, as well as being involved in numerous conflicts and battles.
yes she made several people extremely ugly
There are trials going on in the Hague at the moment in relation to the is war.
yes they should there no diffrent than you snd me Should anyone be punished for committing a robbery? Yes, fool! Are you serious!
He killed people in battles. Murder is a different matter.
he didn't care what anyone thought of him, and he also committed adultery with many other women and disregarded what anyone told him to do.
because if someone does a terrible crime... obviously they should be punished for it. It has nothing to do with restoring anyone to life.