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Medusa was neither. She was a Gorgon. She was not immortal- she was killed by the hero Perseus.

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Q: Was Medusa a god or a goddess?
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Was Medusa a Greek god?

Medusa was neither a god or a goddess. She was a monster; a Gorgon.

What god did Medusa anger?

Medusa angered the goddess Athena.

What god was medusa before she got turned into medusa by Athena?

Medusa was always a goddess called Medusa, if she was a goddess Athena only cursed her.

Who is the worst god or goddess?

medusa by my calculations

What are Medusa's parents?

Medusa was the daughter of Phorcys and Ceto; a sea god and a sea goddess.

What was the name of the god made Medusa ugly?

It was actually a goddess- Athena, the goddess of wisdom. She caught Medusa and Poseidon together in her temple.

Was Poseidon's wife a god?

No she was not a goddess it was Medusa before she was turned into a Gorgon.

Is medusa a greek god?

medusa is a god the strongest god ever. When she walked anyone she hated died.Well kind of..... more like a Greek goddess.

What god used medusa to turn a sea dragon into stone?

Artemis, the goddess of the hunt.

Was Medusa a demigod?

No. She was a daughter of Phorcys and Ceto, both of whom were a minor god/goddess of the sea.

Who are the God and Goddess in niches at left and right in the painting The School of Athens?

To guess by the lyre, the god is either Apollo or Hermes; and the goddess is Athena, who is armored and holds a shield with Medusa's head.

What was Medusa the goddess of?

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