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Yes she was worshiped as a goddess practically.

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Q: Was Cleopatra respected and appreciated
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How did Cleopatra make an impact on others' lives?

she influenced woman that women would have power and be respected too.

Why was Cleopatra respected?

Cleopatra was not respected until after her death. By committing suicide she gained stature in Roman eyes. However during her lifetime she was reviled and hated. True this was in part due to Octavian's propaganda, but this was only at Rome. In Cleo's part of the world she was also hated, due in a large part to her feud with Herod and her greed for more territory. The entire business of "poor Cleopatra, a woman ruling in a man's world" is present day thinking and a lot of present day revision of history.

What is the name of Cleopatra's obelisk?

There is no name for Cleopatra's obelisk because she does not have one. There are obelisks called "Cleopatra's Needles" but they have nothing to do with Cleopatra VII.There is no name for Cleopatra's obelisk because she does not have one. There are obelisks called "Cleopatra's Needles" but they have nothing to do with Cleopatra VII.There is no name for Cleopatra's obelisk because she does not have one. There are obelisks called "Cleopatra's Needles" but they have nothing to do with Cleopatra VII.There is no name for Cleopatra's obelisk because she does not have one. There are obelisks called "Cleopatra's Needles" but they have nothing to do with Cleopatra VII.There is no name for Cleopatra's obelisk because she does not have one. There are obelisks called "Cleopatra's Needles" but they have nothing to do with Cleopatra VII.There is no name for Cleopatra's obelisk because she does not have one. There are obelisks called "Cleopatra's Needles" but they have nothing to do with Cleopatra VII.There is no name for Cleopatra's obelisk because she does not have one. There are obelisks called "Cleopatra's Needles" but they have nothing to do with Cleopatra VII.There is no name for Cleopatra's obelisk because she does not have one. There are obelisks called "Cleopatra's Needles" but they have nothing to do with Cleopatra VII.There is no name for Cleopatra's obelisk because she does not have one. There are obelisks called "Cleopatra's Needles" but they have nothing to do with Cleopatra VII.

What age Cleopatra die?

Cleopatra died at the age of 39.Cleopatra died at the age of 39.Cleopatra died at the age of 39.Cleopatra died at the age of 39.Cleopatra died at the age of 39.Cleopatra died at the age of 39.Cleopatra died at the age of 39.Cleopatra died at the age of 39.Cleopatra died at the age of 39.

WAS Cleopatra of Egyptian Descent?

No, Cleopatra was of Macedonian/Greek descent.No, Cleopatra was of Macedonian/Greek descent.No, Cleopatra was of Macedonian/Greek descent.No, Cleopatra was of Macedonian/Greek descent.No, Cleopatra was of Macedonian/Greek descent.No, Cleopatra was of Macedonian/Greek descent.No, Cleopatra was of Macedonian/Greek descent.No, Cleopatra was of Macedonian/Greek descent.No, Cleopatra was of Macedonian/Greek descent.

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How did Cleopatra make an impact on others' lives?

she influenced woman that women would have power and be respected too.

Why was Cleopatra respected?

Cleopatra was not respected until after her death. By committing suicide she gained stature in Roman eyes. However during her lifetime she was reviled and hated. True this was in part due to Octavian's propaganda, but this was only at Rome. In Cleo's part of the world she was also hated, due in a large part to her feud with Herod and her greed for more territory. The entire business of "poor Cleopatra, a woman ruling in a man's world" is present day thinking and a lot of present day revision of history.

What was Egypt like before Cleopatra?

Egypt was no different before Cleopatra, than it was during Cleopatra's rule. One of the key characteristics of ancient Egypt was continuity. The Ptolemies ruled from Alexandria, and favored the Greeks, but they also respected the culture of the native Egyptians to an extent. Part of this respect extended into the government with the same system of rule as the Egyptians had always known.Egypt was no different before Cleopatra, than it was during Cleopatra's rule. One of the key characteristics of ancient Egypt was continuity. The Ptolemies ruled from Alexandria, and favored the Greeks, but they also respected the culture of the native Egyptians to an extent. Part of this respect extended into the government with the same system of rule as the Egyptians had always known.Egypt was no different before Cleopatra, than it was during Cleopatra's rule. One of the key characteristics of ancient Egypt was continuity. The Ptolemies ruled from Alexandria, and favored the Greeks, but they also respected the culture of the native Egyptians to an extent. Part of this respect extended into the government with the same system of rule as the Egyptians had always known.Egypt was no different before Cleopatra, than it was during Cleopatra's rule. One of the key characteristics of ancient Egypt was continuity. The Ptolemies ruled from Alexandria, and favored the Greeks, but they also respected the culture of the native Egyptians to an extent. Part of this respect extended into the government with the same system of rule as the Egyptians had always known.Egypt was no different before Cleopatra, than it was during Cleopatra's rule. One of the key characteristics of ancient Egypt was continuity. The Ptolemies ruled from Alexandria, and favored the Greeks, but they also respected the culture of the native Egyptians to an extent. Part of this respect extended into the government with the same system of rule as the Egyptians had always known.Egypt was no different before Cleopatra, than it was during Cleopatra's rule. One of the key characteristics of ancient Egypt was continuity. The Ptolemies ruled from Alexandria, and favored the Greeks, but they also respected the culture of the native Egyptians to an extent. Part of this respect extended into the government with the same system of rule as the Egyptians had always known.Egypt was no different before Cleopatra, than it was during Cleopatra's rule. One of the key characteristics of ancient Egypt was continuity. The Ptolemies ruled from Alexandria, and favored the Greeks, but they also respected the culture of the native Egyptians to an extent. Part of this respect extended into the government with the same system of rule as the Egyptians had always known.Egypt was no different before Cleopatra, than it was during Cleopatra's rule. One of the key characteristics of ancient Egypt was continuity. The Ptolemies ruled from Alexandria, and favored the Greeks, but they also respected the culture of the native Egyptians to an extent. Part of this respect extended into the government with the same system of rule as the Egyptians had always known.Egypt was no different before Cleopatra, than it was during Cleopatra's rule. One of the key characteristics of ancient Egypt was continuity. The Ptolemies ruled from Alexandria, and favored the Greeks, but they also respected the culture of the native Egyptians to an extent. Part of this respect extended into the government with the same system of rule as the Egyptians had always known.

Which Spanish explorer greatly respected and appreciated the Native American world?

Cabeza deVaca, he became a trader and faith healer to the Native Americans, and developed respect and admiration for them. Read his wiki.

Did Cleopatra have a cat named Cleocatra?

if Cleopatra had a cat it would be a sphinx cause that was the only breed there is for a cat back in the Egyptian times. a sphinx is a cat that has no fur or whiskers but i don't think she had a cat im not that sure.

What does universally admired mean?

"Universally admired" means that something is highly esteemed and respected by the majority of people across different cultures and backgrounds. It suggests that the thing in question is widely appreciated and held in high regard by a broad spectrum of individuals.

What is the film Cleopatra about?

The film Cleopatra is the fake biography of Cleopatra. That's why its called "Cleopatra".The film Cleopatra is the fake biography of Cleopatra. That's why its called "Cleopatra".The film Cleopatra is the fake biography of Cleopatra. That's why its called "Cleopatra".The film Cleopatra is the fake biography of Cleopatra. That's why its called "Cleopatra".The film Cleopatra is the fake biography of Cleopatra. That's why its called "Cleopatra".The film Cleopatra is the fake biography of Cleopatra. That's why its called "Cleopatra".The film Cleopatra is the fake biography of Cleopatra. That's why its called "Cleopatra".The film Cleopatra is the fake biography of Cleopatra. That's why its called "Cleopatra".The film Cleopatra is the fake biography of Cleopatra. That's why its called "Cleopatra".

You and your family is loved and appreciated. Is this sentence correct or wrong?

You are loved and appreciated. Your family is loved and appreciated. You and your family are loved and appreciated.

What ruler of Egypt was romantically and potically invovled with Julius caesar and Mark Anothy?

It was Cleopatra VII.It was Cleopatra VII.It was Cleopatra VII.It was Cleopatra VII.It was Cleopatra VII.It was Cleopatra VII.It was Cleopatra VII.It was Cleopatra VII.It was Cleopatra VII.