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no she was just his mistriss she would marry him because it would give him sole rule of Egypt

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Q: Was Cleopatra and Marc Anthony married?
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How old was Cleopatra when she got married to Marc Anthony?

Cleopatra was 33 when she "married" Marc Antony.

What was the relationship between Cleopatra and Marc Anthony?

they were married

When did Cleopatra meet Marc Anthony?

i dont know but they got married in 37 B.C

Who was the partner of Cleopatra?

MArc Anthony & Cleopatra :)

How old was Cleopatra and mark Anthony when they married?

Cleopatra was about 33 and Marc Antonywas either 47 or 44, depending on what source you use for his age.

How did Cleopatra's fourth husband die?

Cleopatra married her younger brother when her dad died, then her other younger brother kicked her off the throne. Then Cleopatra married Julius Cesar and once he died she married Marc Anthony. Anthony died in 30 BC after commiting suicide and Cleopatra did the same soon after.

What is Anthony and Cleopatra about?

Anthony and Cleopatra is a Shakespearean play. It's story focused on the lives of Queen Cleopatra of Egypt and Marc Anthony.

Which queen of Egypt married a roman?

marc antony, the roman general, married cleopatra philopator VII

Did Cleopatra have a husband?

yes Marc Anthony

When did Marc Anthony get married?

Marc Anthony married to Dayanara Torres from 2000 to 2004 Marc Anthony married to Jennifer Lopez from 2004 to 2014 Marc Anthony married to Shannon De Lima from 2014 to 2017

How was Cleopatra involved in Marc Antony war?

After Caesar died she married Marc Anthony and when they lost their bid for control of Egypt and Rome both committed suicide.

How did Marc Anthony die?

Not sure who Marc Anthony is? But if you are talking about Marc Antony he committed suicide in Egypt as Octavian's forces were closing in on him