Athena was the goddess of wisdom and Hercules half sister. She was a military warrior who did in fact help protect Athens.
The connection between Athens and Athena is, Athena is the protector god of Athens. The King of Athens, Cecrops, needs a protector god over Athens. Athena was chosen because Athena grew an olive tree, the olive tree was fundamental to the Athenian economy.
The patron of the city of Athens was the godess Athena (Αθηνά in greek).
Athena, although Athens also worshiped other Greek gods and goddesses.
yes she was
The connection between Athens and Athena is, Athena is the protector god of Athens. The King of Athens, Cecrops, needs a protector god over Athens. Athena was chosen because Athena grew an olive tree, the olive tree was fundamental to the Athenian economy.
The patron of the city of Athens was the godess Athena (Αθηνά in greek).
Goddess Athena
Athena, although Athens also worshiped other Greek gods and goddesses.
Yes, Athens is the patron city of Athena, but she was worshiped throughout Greece. The temple of Athena is the grandest of the Spartan acropolis.
As one of the Olympian deities, Athena resided on the Mount Olympus. She also had a special relationship with the city of Athens, and was a protector of cities in general.
Phidias did not create or help direct the building of the Parthenon, but he did build a statue of Athena called Athena Parthenos.
It was a temple dedicated to the goddess Athena, the protector of Athens. There was a huge (35-40ft) statue of her inside the temple.
In Athens, the cult of Athena Polias was the most important religious faction. Athena was the patron goddess of Athens, and Athena Polias was the incarnation of Athena as protector of the polis. The high priestess of Athena Polias was by far the most important religious position in Athens. This position was held by a woman from the noble family of the Eteoboutadae, and the high priestess exerted considerable influence religiously and politically. And there were other females that played vital roles in this cult and its activities as well. Is that what you wanted to know? Your question is not very clear.