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Royal funeral architecture.

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Q: The Great Pyramids were constructed as?
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What is these was constructed to honor the pharaohs?

Pyramids and Temples were built to honor and to worship Gods and Pharaoh's.

Are UFOs connected to the pyramids?

No. The pyramids were constructed from stone by the ancient Egyptians.

What was the job of a labourer in ancient Egypt?

To construct pyramids; the pyramids were constructed in Ancient Egypt.

What was constructed to honor the pharaohs?

sphinx and there burial tombs or a great pyramid

What geometric shape makes these structures pyramids?

Pyramids are constructed from triangular shapes and can have square or triangle bases

How heavy are the stones which the pyramids are constructed with and what type of stone are they?


When was the Pei pyramid constructed?

The Pei Pyramids were completed in 1989.

Who order the pyramids to be built?

The pyramids of Egypt were ordered to be constructed to be serve as a tomb. The order was from pharaoh Khufu, Khafre (son), and Menkure (grandson).

What might a Mayan have looked like?

The Mayans were supposedly great culture that constructed pyramids and the more we think we know, the more mysterious the ultimate question becomes.

Is it true that pyramids were constructed by aliens?

no one really knows... My guess is no

What do pyramids have to with Ancient Egypt?

One, seriously? You could have put a little more effort wording this question! But Pyramids were constructed as tombs or monuments for a Pharaoh, such as Khufu , who ordered construction of The Great Pyramid. ( a better way to word this question would be " What is the role of pyramids in Ancient Egypt, what were they used or made for?")

Where is the great pyramids found?

the great pyramids are found in egypt