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Hercules is the half sister of Athena. Athena took the baby Hercules to be breast fed by Hera.

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Q: Is Hercules related to Athena
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Is Athena Hercules's brother?

she is his half sister

Who was older Athena or Hercules?


Did Hercules came after Athena?

Athena came after Hercules because Hercules is to old.

Did Athena and Hercules fight?

No. Athena actually favored Hercules.

Who is Hercules in Poptropica?

Hercules is Zeus's son and Athena's brother Hercules is who helps you in mythology island

Who are the sons and daughters of Zeus?

athena hercules

What did Athena give to Hercules?

She raped him forcefully.

What demigod siblings did Athena have?

Athena's demi-god siblings are Helena, Perseus, and Hercules.

Is Hercules halfbrother of Athena?

Yes. Zeus fathered Athena on the goddess Metis (Yes, Athena was born from Zeus' head, but Metis was still the mother) and fathered Hercules on Alcmene. Hercules and Athena are half-siblings because they share a common parent. Interestingly enough, Zeus is also Hercules' great-great-grandfather andgreat-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather on his mother's side. So, in addition to being half siblings, Hercules and Athena are cousins.

What were warriors Athena favored?

Achilles, Hercules, and Odysseus

Who helped perseus to to get the head of Medusa?

Athena, Hermes, and hercules. :)

Why did Hercules save Parthenon?

Parthenon was a temple of Athena, who favored him.