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The Inca were influenced by the Chavín's religion and the Wari's terraced farming.

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Q: How were the chavin and waris influeneces on the Inca different?
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How were the chavin and waris influences on the Inca different?

The Chavin culture influenced the Inca through religious beliefs and artistic styles, while the Wari culture influenced the Inca through administrative and architectural practices. The Chavin influence emphasized religious symbolism and iconography, while the Wari influence brought organizational and construction techniques to the Inca civilization.

How were the Chavin and Waris influences on the Inca diffrent?

The Chavin influence on the Inca is primarily seen in religious beliefs and ceremonial practices, such as the worship of nature deities and the use of hallucinogenic substances. The Wari influence, on the other hand, is more evident in architecture, urban planning, and state organization. While both cultures had an impact on the Inca, their contributions focused on different aspects of society.

Cuzco Peru was the capital of what ancient empire?

The Inca Empire existed until 1533 in the Andes. It was a relatively new dynasty, having begun in the early 15th century.

How did the Inca Empire compare to Mesoamerican civilizations?

The Inca Empire was located in South America, while Mesoamerican civilizations, such as the Maya, Aztec, and Olmec, were situated in present-day Mexico and Central America. The Inca Empire had a different societal structure based on a centralized government ruled by an emperor, while Mesoamerican civilizations were organized into city-states with varying levels of political complexity. Both civilizations had advanced agriculture, architecture, and developed complex religious beliefs.

How was the Inca tribe organized?

The inca tribue was organized by having different people in different groups of their racists

How were norte chico and chavin civilization similar?

Norte Chico and Chavin civilizations were similar in several ways. Both civilizations emerged in pre-Columbian Peru and developed advanced agricultural systems, with the Norte Chico known for its extensive irrigation networks and Chavin for its terraced agriculture. Both civilizations also exhibited complex societal structures and religious beliefs, as well as produced impressive architectural and artistic works. Both civilizations eventually declined before the rise of the Inca Empire.

How did the Inca empire communicate with different parts of their empire?

they used messaging across the partd of the inca around there

How do the Maya's and the Inca's differ?

They were from different time periods and different places.

What were the different classes in the Inca community?

Their class structure is different because they have commoners

What kind of religion did Inca people have?

The inca people believed in many different gods. Their main god was the sun god.

What different jobs did the Inca have?

they farmed and cultivated the landThey were warriors Hunters and gatherersThe kids of the Inca chased the crows away.

Did the Inca have clowns?

No. The Inca did not have clowns. They didnt have the fabric or die to make the costumes. Different from today the Inca cared more about keeping the civilization sturdy instead of games telivision and entertainment.:)