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Zeus had affairs with 53

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Name Zeus' wife in Greek-mythology.?

Zeus's wife was the jealous goddess Hera (known as Juno to the Romans).And she had every reason to be jealous, since her philandering husband had been known to mate with unsuspecting mortal woman by transforming into everything from a swan to a shower of gold.

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Perseus was a child of Zeus and the human woman Dinae.

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How do woman gladiators mate?

The same way that other women mate.

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Adam's mate was Eve, the first woman.

Can a man be a friend of a woman apart from mate?

Absolutely ! I have a good many female friends - none of which are sleeping with me !

What did hera do that was bad?

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Did Zeus ever mate with Hera?

Yes: Hebe, Ares, Enyo, Eileithyia, Hephaestus are proof of this.

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hi dode bye dode

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Who were not Zeus' children but Hera's?

Ares, Hebe and Ilithyia were Hera's and Zeus's children together. Hephaestus and Typhon were Hera's children without consort or mate. Pasithea was another possible daughter.