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Morphing into another character's face

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Q: How did greek actors change roles?
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Related questions

What makes up Greek drama?

Greek drama encompasses both tragedy and comedy. The Ancient Greeks were one of the first civilizations to have this type of theater where actors played roles.

Where did the actors change in ancient greek theatres?

A large rectangular box behind the orchestra where the actors could change. This is called a Skene.

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Which do these actors play two roles in the movie?

which of these actors played two roles in the movies

Where did greek actors go to change masks and costumes?

they would leave town

What is a word for actors and actresses taking lighter roles?

Such roles/parts are called cameos, or cameo roles. Sometimes performers who specialize in smaller, lighter or supporting roles are called character actors.

How many actors are usaully on stage at one time in a typical greek play?

One to three, not counting the chorus, which numbered from 12 to 50. The actors were all male, wore masks, and switched masks as they changes roles.

Did the roles of kings change after the plague?

No, the roles of kings stayed the same.

What are actors with recurring roles called?

They simply call them recurring actors

What were the roles of Ancient Greek Patrons?

To protect the city or to represent the city

How many roles did actors play in Ancient greek theater?

First one, then two, then three, supported by a singing and dancing chorus.

Who played Shakespeare's roles and why?

Actors played all of Shakespeare's roles, because they were trained in acting.