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Helios (the Sun) told.

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Q: How did Hephaestus find of the Aphrodite was cheating on him?
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What was Hephaestus and Aphrodite problems with marriage?

Aphrodite kept cheating on him

Is Aphrodite married to Hephaestus?

Yes, Aphrodite and Hephaestus are married.

What kids did Aphrodite have by her husband Hephaestus?

Aphrodite had no children by Hephaestus.

What myth is Aphrodite famous for?

Her constant cheating on her husband Hephaestus. She had an ongoing relation with Ares, but also a string of other lovers.

Who were Hephaestus' enemies?

Mainly he was mad at Aphrodite for cheating on him with his brother Ares. So i think that probably ares i guess was his enemy.

Did Aphrodite really want to marry Hephaestus?

No. Zeus forced Aphrodite to marry Hephaestus but Aphrodite really prefered Adonis or Ares. Aphrodite cheats on Hephaestus and has kids with Adonis.

When did Aphrodite marry Hephaestus?

aphrodite married hephaestus because she was forced by her father

Is Hephaestus the husband of Aphrodite?

Yes, Aphrodite was married to Hephaestus, but she often had affairs.

Was Aphrodite a faithful wife to Hephaestus?

No, Aphrodite cheated on Hephaestus with Ares: to be fair, Hephaestus married Kharis/Aglaia.

What did Hephaestus make Aphrodite?

Hephaestus did not make Aphrodite, but in some myths they are husband and wife.

Does Aphrodite like Hercules?

No, she didn't she actually was married to Hephaestus but was cheating on him with Ares. P.S: Hephaestus knew that she was cheating As far as I know Aprodite cared neither one way or another about Hercules. She doesnt go out of her way to do anything to help or harm him.

Who was Aphrodite's wife?

Aphrodite was a female goddess. She did not have a wife. Her husband was the god of the blacksmiths/forges, Hephaestus.