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Put branches in there, and make sure the cage is moist. It is optional to fill the cage (shallow) with lukewarm water. If you decide not to fill the cage (shallow) with lukewarm water, then take a small dish and fill it with lukewarm water. Then put a small food dish inside for bugs/mealworms/crickets. (the crickets will usually hop out anyways, but mealworms and pellets won't!)

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Q: What to put in a toad's cage?
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What should you put in your toads cage?

you should put in some water and maybe so floor stuf make sure if you have a pet already keep it away if you bring it out side make sure it's in the shade that's all i know

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Yes, they are. It is not a good idea to put them in a cage together. Yes, they are. It is not a good idea to put them in a cage together. Yes, they are. It is not a good idea to put them in a cage together. Yes, they are. It is not a good idea to put them in a cage together. Yes, they are. It is not a good idea to put them in a cage together.

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you put the cage into a cage :D by abraham

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You take the doe to the bucks cage.

Are fire bellied toads from China?

You can tell the difference if you put 2 together in a cage during the spring and summer. The male will bark, and the female won't respond by barking, they will jusy pretty much ingnore the male barking. When she gets irritated, they will have sex.

Should you put your bearded dragons back in its cage when your done giving it a bath?

You can put it back in its cage after it takes a bath.