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The axolotl hopes that the man will write a story all about the axolotl. The communication took place in non-verbal ways but is successful as the reader does read a story all about the axolotl.

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Q: What does the narrator's axolotl self communicate to the human on the outside of the glass?
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Why is the outside of an ecosystem glass?

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Where is the glass pyramid?

There is a glass pyramid outside of The Louvre in Paris.

Can glass rust if outside?

No, glass cannot rust because it is not made of iron or steel like materials that can rust. Glass is mainly made of sand, soda ash, and limestone, which do not rust. However, exposure to certain chemicals or environmental factors can cause glass to deteriorate or degrade over time.

What is the water on the outside of a glass water called?

The water that forms on the outside of a glass of [ice] water is called condensation. It occurs because the surface of the glass is colder than the air surrounding the glass, which causes the water vapor in the air to cool and condense into a liquid on the outside of the glass.

Why does moisture gather outside of a glass of cold water on a warm day?

The cold glass cools the air close to the outside of the glass and causes the moisture in the air to condense on the outside of the glass when the molecules in the air come close enough together to touch one another..

Why does acold drink develop water on the outside of its container?

The water on the outside of the glass is formed by the moisture in the air condensing on the cold surface of the glass. It is condensation.

What is example condenstation?

When you have a glass of cold water from the fridge that you take outside, because it's hotter outside, little drops of water will form on the glass.

When you look through the glass window why can you see objects that are outside?

Glass is transparent, allowing light to pass through it. When you look through a glass window, light from outside hits the objects, reflects off them, and enters your eyes through the glass, giving you the ability to see the objects outside.

What does the outside of the glass with ice cubes feel like?

It feels like ice , and glass like . · The glass filled with cold water and ice cubes felt cold on the outside as well.

Why does double glazing glass freeze on outside?

Double glazing glass can freeze on the outside when there is a significant temperature difference between the inside and outside of a building. The glass on the outer pane becomes cold from the outside temperature, causing any moisture in the air to condense and freeze on the surface. Proper insulation and sealing can help prevent this issue.

If ice forms on the forms on the outside of the glass?

If ice forms on the outside of the glass, it is likely due to condensation from the air coming into contact with the cold surface of the glass. This can happen when the drink inside the glass is colder than the surrounding air temperature. It is a natural occurrence and can be prevented by using an insulated glass or coaster.

What is Museum's name that has glass pyramid outside?
