

Best Answer
  • Count Dracula - bats and wolves
  • Count Orlock - rats
  • Monk Sebastian - doves
  • Countessa Phillipina - owl
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Q: What animals associated with vampires?
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Related questions

Do vampires turn animals into vampires?

no vampires venom is deadly to animals

What animals can vampires change into?

In folklore, vampires are often said to have the ability to transform into bats, wolves, and mist. These animals are commonly associated with darkness, night, and supernatural powers. However, the ability for vampires to shape-shift into various animals varies across different cultural and fictional interpretations.

In what animals can vampires can change?

None, vampires are vampires, not shape-shifters.

What is blood to vampires?

Blood is the primary source of sustenance for vampires, providing them with vital nutrients and energy. It is also often associated with their immortality and supernatural abilities, with fresh human blood typically being the most desirable to most vampires.

What is another monster that associated with vampires?


What animals can vampires be?

what a weird question but probably all of them vampires are mythical

What amimals can vampires turn into?

vampires in twilight don't turn into animals, but other vampires turn into bats

What are vampires associated with?

Very cheap B movies

Can vampires drink the blood of animals?

In the real word vampires dont exist.

Can vampires kill animals?


What animals did the Aztecs pray to?

the Aztecs were vampires

What kinds of animals are vampires?

Mythological hominids.