King George III intended to cover the expenses of his army and the colonial government by controlling the economies of the colonies. He saw that Britain was not making much of a profit due to ongoing problems on the frontier and trade between the colonies and other European countries.
At the time of the American Revolutionary War, the 13 original British/American colonies were fairly prosperous. The American colonies had provided Great Britain with a strong foothold in North America below its possession of British Canada. The American colonies, if not overtaxed and basically taken for granted by Great Britain, might have made the British Empire even stronger than it already was. There is nothing that would have prevented Great Britain from remaining to this day the most powerful nation in the world. This is of course subject to debate.
New England, Middle Colonies, Southern Colonies
The middle colonies were governed by the king. they were under his authority and subject to his will and pleasure. These colonies were also known as the royal colonies.
The colonial regions in the 1700s were the New England Colonies, the Middle Colonies, the Southern Colonies, and the Back Country. The Back Country was near the Appalachian Mountains.
they wanted to gain an advantage in the competition for global resources
the united states sought colonies as market. other nations used colonies' resources
they wanted to extend their political control over weaker nations
Imperialists believed that colonies were necessary for their health and survival.
The colonizers used the resources of their colonies to grow their own economies.
the economies of southern colonies featured a plantation system rather than small farms
What activities nade up the early economies of the North America colonies
What activities nade up the early economies of the North America colonies
the southern colonies
Making food and clothing
The colonizers used the resources of their colonies to grow their own economies.
The colonizers used the resources of their colonies to grow their own economies.