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honestly this question has two answers and it really depends on whether you are talking about before 1776 or after cause before that year the American colonies were ruled by England and regulated in that time ment that the king of England tried to stop or decrease the flow of goods to or from the colonies...... i mean the they regulated tea by only allowing the colonies to purchase tea from the English own East India Company and that cause the Boston tea party because of this and what they called taxation without representation the colonies formed the Confederated states of America not to be confused with the United States of America they are two different styles of government the first attempt at becoming independent of great Britain birthed the document known as the Articles of Confederation but this didnt last it was replaced by the US constitution in 1783 i do believe lol but anyways im rambling after 1776 it really had no meaning because the states regulated what came and went during that time but it just ment what they put embargos on and just stopped coming in to the indivdual states so there is your answer hoped it helped

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Q: What did Regulated mean in 1770 America?
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