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Q: Was not an element of the Gerald Ford presidency?
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What is an element of the Gerald Ford presidency that did not occur?


Which of these was not an element of the Gerald Ford presidency?

Watergate scandal

Which of these was not an element of the Gerald Fords presidency?


During his presidency Gerald Ford?

During his presidency, President Gerald Ford accomplished a number of important things. He effectively ended the Vietnam War, for instance during his administration.

What are the release dates for Biography - 1987 Gerald R- Ford Healing the Presidency?

Biography - 1987 Gerald R- Ford Healing the Presidency was released on: USA: 9 June 2000

Could Gerald Ford have sought the presidency himself in the election of 1976?

I may not understand your question but Gerald Ford did seek the presidency in 1976. He was nominated by the Republicans but lost the election to Jimmy Carter.

The South Vietnam government in Saigon finally collapsed during the presidency of?

The Fall of Saigon, which occurred on April 30, 1975, happened during the presidency of Gerald Ford. It marked the end of the Vietnam War.

Which president survived 2 assassination attempts by women during his presidency?

Gerald Ford.

How many years did president ford serve as president?

President Gerald Ford held the office of the presidency for 2.42 years.

Who assumed the US presidency after Richard Nixon resigned during the Watergate investigation?

Gerald ford

What event happened that made Gerald Ford take over presidency?

Richard Nixon's resignation.

Who has been called the most accidental of all presidents because he did not run for the vice presidency or the presidency before taking oath of office?

Gerald Ford