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no he was not

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Q: Was nIxon a better cold war president than his predecessors?
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What did President Nixon do that no other US president had done during the cold war?

Nixon was the only President to resign from office.

Did any important events happen when Nixon was president?

Yes, the cold war ended during his campaign.

What did President Nixon do to deal with the cold war era?

Nixon improved relations with China and the USSR, he pulled American troops out of Vietnam, and detente was also stared which would being a brief period of peace during the Cold War.

Who did president Nixon's approach to easing tensions between the US and other nations?

President Nixons effort to ease Cold War tensions was known as the Detente.

What was President Nixon's stance toward the Soviet Union in 1969?

President Nixon's stance toward the Soviet Union in 1969 was one of diplomacy. He negotiated a missile treaty with them and to negotiate nuclear peace. He sought to end the Cold War.

Is Richard Nixon one of the worst president in America?

No. The Watergate Scandal is typically what we remember about Nixon, and this was undoubtedly a terrible act. However, Nixon had a number of important accomplishments during his presidency that deserve some credit, such as... going on a diplomatic mission to China, something that his predecessors would not do, started diplomacy with the Soviet Union, relieving some Cold War tensions, ended the Vietnam War, ended peacetime draft, set up Council on Environmental Quality, and the list goes on. Nixon certainly had his failures, too. However, if not for the Watergate Scandal, he might be regarded as a very good or even great president. Some President that are commonly thought of as the worst in U.S. history, and by extension worse than Nixon, are: Millard Fillmore Franklin Pierce James Buchanan Andrew Johnson Ulysses S. Grant Warren Harding

In what ways did the reaction of Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon mirror previous cold war ideology?

The cold war only started in 1945. Nixon & Johnson were both politicians within 5 years of that time frame. So they were both in the "heat" of the cold war. They didn't mirror the cold war...THEY WERE THE COLD WAR; Eisenhower was at the beginning, Kennedy was advised by Eisenhower, then Johnson & Nixon. Although President Truman was actually the US president when WWII ended & the cold war began, he was transitioning from the pre-atomic age to the atomic age (before 1945 & after 1945/1945 is the beginning of the atomic age). Eisenhower actually began to take over the reins in the midst (1952 presidential campaign) of the "cold war" with the "hot" battle of the Korean War taking place, "...I shall go to Korea!" (Eisenhower). Dwight Eisenhower was our first (non-transitioning) cold war president. Johnson & Nixon were our 3rd and 4th cold war presidents.

Was President Nixon right for pulling out of the Vietnam war?

If he hadn't, we'd still be fighting there, or at least as long as the cold war lasted (until 1990).

Who took a historic journey to the People's Republic of China in 1972?

Richard Nixon. He became the first U.S. president to visit the People's Republic of China and his trip was regarded as a major diplomatic breakthrough in the Cold War era.

Who was the first president to go to china?

One of the outstanding policies of President Richard Nixon was to begin the opening of doors of communication between the US and the Peoples Republic of China in 1972. This was an important visit. Nixon was the first US president to visit China. At the time many politicians whether Democrats or Republicans did not like this as the Cold War was in full force and China was solidly a communist nation. Despite the critics, Nixon's visit was a historical one and was the first step in a long process of recognizing China. It was one of President Nixon's outstanding achievements in US foreign policy.

What was Nixon stance toward the Soviet Union in 1969?

President Nixon's stance toward the Soviet Union in 1969 was one of diplomacy. He negotiated a missile treaty with them and to negotiate nuclear peace. He sought to end the Cold War.

How did the Space Race changed the course of Cold War?

President Nixon urged NASA and the Soviet Space Agency to cooperate in a joint Space Station project. This lead to an open dialogue in scientific areas with our Cold War enemy.